The Mommy In The Future Is Our Next President
This is part of my daily newsletter ¬ Please subscribe if you’re interested in practical psychology for everyday life. Because Someone was told me that I should not add more sh**t in the world, I devoted my time to write and publish my work every day. More women are leaving the corporate to start their businesses, and demanding their share in the high tables. These women spoke with their feet. The words that are spoken and making headlines; Mommies no longer want to be 'Prisoners of men's Dreams' New rules and the establishment of their realms are revealed by their actions, for the new era is for talent competition. 'The mommy truck' is not the point, the question is whether there is a job for Daddy in the future, I suggest that women are going to be in the drives set of virtually every corporation, only 3 percent of us are going to work in factories by 2001, Mommy in the drives-set and Daddy at home washing the dishes, is the fate we male face in the years a...