
Showing posts from November 14, 2021

The Mommy In The Future Is Our Next President

  This is part of my daily newsletter ¬ Please subscribe if you’re interested in practical psychology for everyday life. Because Someone was told me that I should not add more sh**t in the world, I devoted my time to write and publish my work every day. More women are leaving the corporate to start their businesses, and demanding their share in the high tables. These women spoke with their feet.  The words that are spoken and making headlines;  Mommies no longer want to be 'Prisoners of men's Dreams' New rules and the establishment of their realms are revealed by their actions, for the new era is for talent competition.  'The mommy truck' is not the point, the question is whether there is a job for Daddy in the future, I suggest that women are going to be in the drives set of virtually every corporation, only 3 percent of us are going to work in factories by 2001, Mommy in the drives-set and Daddy at home washing the dishes, is the fate we male face in the years a...


  This is part of my LinkedIn Writing Club, To stay tuned, Follow me @  #marcusmalesela Remember how when we were young growing up, and the way we to get through rejections and objections from our parents.  Buddha said we should 'believe nothing, no matter where we read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.'  So, this quote could be interpreted as more or less saying: Keep believing what you believe, as well as anything that confirms those existing beliefs.  People already believe what they think agrees with their “logic” which is often faulty and “common sense” which is usually another word for “what we accept without thinking deeply”.    I remember in the old days before I could even find JOY in my writing - I wrote my first ever article and forwarded it to a friend to view and give me feedback on my writing, His response was: 'Buddy there is enough sh**t out there already wri...

Importance Of Mentors: Reasons To Be One Or Get One

                                                    Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on pexels  This is part of my LinkedIn writing club, To stay tuned, Follow me @ # marcusmalesela   In every area of life we are witnessing failure at an all-time high ~ people are failing, failing in politics, failing as government heads, and failing as educators.  It's a shame that this mad cycle doesn't show any signs to end.  When does this mad cycle of unnecessary failure end? We will begin to see winners emerging from the ashes only and only when teachers once again begin teaching and students begin learning the lesson.  We hear parents who still blame and shame the school systems, some teachers are so frustrated having gone to college for almost 6 - 7 years to earn a degree in teaching. yet having no one interested in learning. I know I hate...